Childrens Health Defence you are sharring our information on X now. So are you gonna talk about 6G IoBnT-IonT-THZ-VLC Biodigital Convergence Standardization Soon And Ad That Info. To Your 5G Lawsuit?
It's A Creator's Economy, Cackling Kamala, Funny Border Wall Solution, Various Bitcoin Indicators (Loop) - Human 1.0 w/ Abigail Joy - September 2, 2024
Elon Musk | "You Must Understand There Is Not a Whole Lot of Human Beings Like You? If There Was One An Intelligence Being That We Created. Like Some AI Creature." - Joe Rogan + "I Am An Alien. It's True." - Elon Musk 9/7/2018
Business Coach | Clay Clark Business Coaching Client Testimonials | "I Have Doubled Every Year Since Working With You. I've Doubled In Clients. I've Doubled In Revenue Every Year (Seven to Eight Years) - Tim Redmond
Pro-Abortion-on-Demand Kamala Harris mocks Christians and basically admits she doesn't give a shit about God and human life: "Oh, you guys are at the wrong rally. No, I think you meant to go to the smaller one down the street."