1. Victory over the Medical Establishment and the Grace and Scott Schara Lawsuit

    Victory over the Medical Establishment and the Grace and Scott Schara Lawsuit

  2. "Walk With The King" Program, From the "Anointing" Series, titled "Sacrifice Never Wasted"

    "Walk With The King" Program, From the "Anointing" Series, titled "Sacrifice Never Wasted"

  3. "The Young Savages", by John Frankenheimer (1961), with Dina Merrill

    "The Young Savages", by John Frankenheimer (1961), with Dina Merrill

  4. The Mercy Brown vampire incident occurred in Rhode Island, US, in 1892. It is one of the best

    The Mercy Brown vampire incident occurred in Rhode Island, US, in 1892. It is one of the best
