3 years agoHeart Breaking: Soldiers Being Denied Religious Exemption Threatened With 2 Years In Jail@GreggHuestis67 & Thecitizenjournalist.news
2 years agoU.S. Coast Guard Gets Caught Issuing Blanket Religious Denials Based on Computer-Generated ResponseRVM NewsVerified
4 months agoKamala Harris Says She Would Deny Religious Exemptions for Performing Abortions if ElectedRestored RepublicVerified
3 years agoVeteran Seattle firefighter empties locker after city denies vaccine exemptionNews For Reasonable PeopleVerified
2 years agoU.S. Coast Guard Gets Caught Issuing Blanket Religious Denials Based on Computer-Generated ResponseVigilant News NetworkVerified
3 years agoINVESTIGATIVE REPORT: Military Whistleblowers Reveal Religious DiscriminationEpochTV (The Epoch Times)
1 year agoTeacher Labeled a "Psychopath" and Sent For Mental Evaluation After Refusing MandatesRight2Freedom
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2 years agoSister Dierdre Byrne, a Doctor With Natural Immunity, Is Suing D.C. For Denying Religious ExemptionRVM NewsVerified
2 years agoSister Dierdre Byrne, a Doctor With Natural Immunity, Is Suing D.C. For Denying Religious ExemptionVigilant News NetworkVerified