1. Psalm 113 "From rising sun to where it sets, GOD’s name is to be praised." 1650 Psalter to Petersham

    Psalm 113 "From rising sun to where it sets, GOD’s name is to be praised." 1650 Psalter to Petersham

  2. Psalm 50 v1-6 of 23 "The mighty God the LORD, hath spoken, and did call" To Dennis. Scottish Psalter

    Psalm 50 v1-6 of 23 "The mighty God the LORD, hath spoken, and did call" To Dennis. Scottish Psalter

  3. Overview of Psalter Essay for Old Testament Overview

    Overview of Psalter Essay for Old Testament Overview

  4. Psalm 33 v1-6 of 22 "Ye righteous, in the LORD rejoice" The tune is Irish. Scottish Psalter.

    Psalm 33 v1-6 of 22 "Ye righteous, in the LORD rejoice" The tune is Irish. Scottish Psalter.

  5. Psalm 23 "The LORD’s my shepherd, I’ll not want." To the tune Crimond. Scottish Psalter

    Psalm 23 "The LORD’s my shepherd, I’ll not want." To the tune Crimond. Scottish Psalter

  6. Psalm 20 "JEHOVAH hear thee in the day when trouble he doth send" Tune: St Leonard. Scottish Psalter

    Psalm 20 "JEHOVAH hear thee in the day when trouble he doth send" Tune: St Leonard. Scottish Psalter

  7. Psalm 100 "All people that on earth do dwell" The tune is Old 100th. Scottish Psalter. A cappella.

    Psalm 100 "All people that on earth do dwell" The tune is Old 100th. Scottish Psalter. A cappella.

  8. Psalm 122 "I joyed when to the house of GOD, go up, they said to me." To: St Paul. Scottish Psalter

    Psalm 122 "I joyed when to the house of GOD, go up, they said to me." To: St Paul. Scottish Psalter

  9. Psalm 149 v1-5 of 9 "Praise ye the LORD: unto him sing" To the tune Bishopthorpe. Scottish Psalter

    Psalm 149 v1-5 of 9 "Praise ye the LORD: unto him sing" To the tune Bishopthorpe. Scottish Psalter

  10. Psalm 121 to the tune French 'I to the hills will lift mine eyes' Scottish Psalter version.

    Psalm 121 to the tune French 'I to the hills will lift mine eyes' Scottish Psalter version.

  11. Psalm 43 v3-5 of 5 "O send thy light forth and thy truth." Tune: Invocation Scottish Psalter.

    Psalm 43 v3-5 of 5 "O send thy light forth and thy truth." Tune: Invocation Scottish Psalter.

  12. Psalm 22 v1-4 'My God, my God, why hast thou me forsaken?' Scottish Psalter version to St Kilda

    Psalm 22 v1-4 'My God, my God, why hast thou me forsaken?' Scottish Psalter version to St Kilda

  13. Psalm 50 v3-6 of 23 "Our God shall surely come" To the tune Silchester. Scottish Psalter

    Psalm 50 v3-6 of 23 "Our God shall surely come" To the tune Silchester. Scottish Psalter
