2 years agoPsalm 113 "From rising sun to where it sets, GOD’s name is to be praised." 1650 Psalter to PetershamTrystWithChrist
1 year agoPsalm 50 v1-6 of 23 "The mighty God the LORD, hath spoken, and did call" To Dennis. Scottish PsalterTrystWithChrist
1 year agoPsalm 33 v1-6 of 22 "Ye righteous, in the LORD rejoice" The tune is Irish. Scottish Psalter.TrystWithChrist
1 year agoPsalm 23 "The LORD’s my shepherd, I’ll not want." To the tune Crimond. Scottish PsalterTrystWithChrist
1 year agoPsalm 20 "JEHOVAH hear thee in the day when trouble he doth send" Tune: St Leonard. Scottish PsalterTrystWithChrist
1 year agoPsalm 100 "All people that on earth do dwell" The tune is Old 100th. Scottish Psalter. A cappella.TrystWithChrist
1 year agoPsalm 122 "I joyed when to the house of GOD, go up, they said to me." To: St Paul. Scottish PsalterTrystWithChrist
1 year agoPsalm 149 v1-5 of 9 "Praise ye the LORD: unto him sing" To the tune Bishopthorpe. Scottish PsalterTrystWithChrist
2 years agoPsalm 121 to the tune French 'I to the hills will lift mine eyes' Scottish Psalter version.TrystWithChrist
1 year agoPsalm 43 v3-5 of 5 "O send thy light forth and thy truth." Tune: Invocation Scottish Psalter.TrystWithChrist
2 years agoPsalm 22 v1-4 'My God, my God, why hast thou me forsaken?' Scottish Psalter version to St KildaTrystWithChrist
1 year agoPsalm 50 v3-6 of 23 "Our God shall surely come" To the tune Silchester. Scottish PsalterTrystWithChrist
1 year ago04-12-2023. Office of Morning Prayer. Wednesday within the Octave of EasterPauline Institutes of Secular Consecrated Life
1 year ago05-15-2023. Office of Morning Prayer. Monday of the 6th Week of EasterPauline Institutes of Secular Consecrated Life
2 years ago03-14-2023. Office of Morning Prayer. Tuesday of the 3rd Week of LentPauline Institutes of Secular Consecrated Life
2 years ago03-14-2023. Office of Morning Prayer. Tuesday of the 3rd Week of LentPauline Institutes of Secular Consecrated Life
1 year ago03-30-2023. Office of Morning Prayer. Thursday of the 5th Week of LentPauline Institutes of Secular Consecrated Life
1 year ago12-14-2023. Office of Morning Prayer. Thu. St. John of the Cross, P & D (Mem)Pauline Institutes of Secular Consecrated Life
2 years ago03-21-2023. Office of Morning Prayer. Tuesday of the 4th Week of LentPauline Institutes of Secular Consecrated Life
1 year ago03-28-2023. Office of Morning Prayer. Tuesday of the 5th Week of LentPauline Institutes of Secular Consecrated Life