1 year agoMan's STOMACH BLEEDING, sells all valuables after PFIZER VAXX induced STROKEBiological Medicine
2 years agoMan Has A Seizure And Bleeds From His Mouth After Receiving The Covid-19 Vaccine 💉Biological Medicine
1 year agoMan Has A Seizure And Bleeds From His Mouth After Receiving The Covid-19 Vaccine 💉Biological Medicine
1 year agoSudden death of a Chinese man participating in a badminton match ☠️ (August 27th)Biological Medicine
3 years agoTONGKAT ALI REVIEW PT. 2 | AKARALI | TESTOSTERONE INCREASE? | SIDE EFFECTS | MOOD,MUSCLE,STRENGTHMiddle-Aged Muscle Man Musician: Diet, Training and Supplementation
1 year agoMan who developed CDC's vaccine tracking system dead two months after getting the vaccineBiological Medicine
1 year agoMan shares horrific testimony of his extensive loss of family due to the vaccineBiological Medicine