Univ of Nebraska, Omaha: Viewer Discretion Advised, Police Try To Intimidate Me, Crowd of 150 Becomes Very Hostile, Sexual Perverts, Homos, Trans, Lesbians Cuss Me Out, Hypocrites Oppose Me, The Most Hateful, Hostile Crowd I've Ever Encountered
Stony Brook Univ: In A Stunning Twist, 100 Students Gather In Sobriety, Raising Hands, Asking Over 50 Very Good Questions, Then Hecklers Return & Crowd Explodes w/ Rage, Police Advise Me To Leave, Christian Students Emboldened To Confront The Darkness
10 Preachers Standing Against DC Drag Queen Sodomite Bar Where Parents Brought Their Children, Rebuking the Parents, Sodomites Play Disney Music, I Expose Walt Disney As A Pedophile
Israel Retaliates Against Iran, Iran Promises To Retaliate With 1500 Missiles, Israel Shoots Down Nuclear Armed Ballistic Missile, 911 Goes Down In 5 States Due to Cyberattack, EAM's Exploding In Number To USA Nuclear Forces Across The World, WW3
Stony Brook Univ (Long Island, NY): Police Test Me But I Hold My Ground, Holy Spirit Helps Me Draw a Huge Crowd, Police Return, Crowd Swells To Over 100 Students, Lesbians, Trans, Homosexuals, Hypocrites, Muslims, Jews All Oppose Me, Crowd Goes Wild!
Univ of Louisiana: Final Day of Classes, Great Conversations w/ Skeptics, Crowd of 40 Students, Booming Speaker Blasts Out "Hit The Road Jack" As I Return To My Car
Univ of Rhode Island: Lesbian Heckler & Atheist Help Me Draw A Crowd Quickly, Close to 70 Students When Police Show Up & Threaten To Arrest Me If I Do Not Get A Permit, Given the Run Around All Day, Finally Told Unlawful Policy To Shut Me Down
University of Arkansas: Great Conversations, Civil Dialogue, Calm Crowd, Later In The Day A Larger Crowd Forms, A Trans Spouts Nonsense, Jesus Christ Exalted
UMass Boston: Ministering To Various Students, Then Pro-Palestine State Students Heckle Me, Draws Crowd, Muslims Enraged, A Hypocrite Cusses Me Out, Women Play Middle Eastern Music & Dance Around Me, Police Protect Me, Great Day Of Preaching!
Univ of Kansas: Huge Hostile Crowd, Students Cheer For Their Sin Like Beasts, One Student Steals My Banner And Runs Away With It As The Crowd Screams Its Hellish Cheers
Sam Houston State University: Dealing w/ Luke Warm Christians Defending Sin, Then the Homosexuals Come Out, One Student Dressed In Full Clown Suit Mocks the Gospel, Exalting Jesus Christ to A Lively Crowd
UMass Lowell: Encouraging The Discouraged, Banana Dressed Student Mocks & Speaks Perversion, Helps Me Draw A Crowd Of 30 Students, Lesbians Under Conviction, Brand New Christian Student Emboldened To Preach & Helps Me Witness To His Peers
Binghamton University: Even In The Rain The Gospel Draws A Crowd, Dealing With Atheists and Jews, Skeptics and Evolutionists, One Former Christian Asks Many Questions And Seems To Come Under Conviction, A Great Day of Preaching!
Florida Atlantic University: Transexual Man and Lesbian Woman Come Under Conviction, Trans Removes His Female Clothes and Dresses In Normal Men's Clothing, Young Black Student Helps Me Minister To Students, Proving the Bible True to Atheists
George Mason Univ: Sodomite Attacks Elijah From Behind, Police Called, Crowd Grows, Muslims Come Out In Force, I Stomp On The Koran, Muslim Lunges Toward Me, Police Called Again, Muslim Arrested, Student Newspaper Interviews Us
Friday Night Shabbat Video: Subscribers Thank Me For Saving Their Lives, Another Subscriber Recently Became Born Again & Loves My Channel, Hemetite (Blood) Rust On Moon Baffling Scientists