Jelaila Starr on Michael Salla's "Exopolitcs Today" (Full Interview): Earth's History, Our Galactic Origins Via Lyra, Timeline Info on the Failed Assassination Attempt of Trump BEFORE IT HAPPENED, and What's Next for Us!
Who is RA/Marduk? Why is This NEVER Asked in Reference to RA's Law of One? As with The Bible, Use What Serves The Greater Good and Remain Conscious of Aspects of ANY Scriptures/Literature Designed to Have Individuals Forfeit Spiritual Sovereignty!
5D "Awakening": It Happened, it's OVER, 5D Vs. 3D isn't an Option When You Already Chose (Didn't Know You Did?) Next, Everyone Goes to Where They're Supposed to—and Have Been for Some Time! | Ralph Smart and Danica Patrick
Stranger From Venus (1954 Full Movie) [COLORIZED] | Sci-Fi/Thriller | Summary: A woman (Patricia Neal) meets a man (Helmut Dantine) from Venus here to warn humanity that nuclear weapons would destroy ALL humanoids of our solar system.
Stranger From Venus (1954 Full Movie) | Sci-Fi/Thriller | Summary: A woman (Patricia Neal) meets a man (Helmut Dantine) from Venus here to warn humanity that if they don't eliminate nuclear weapons ALL humanoids of our solar system will not survive.
The Day Time Ended (1979 Full Movie) | Sci-Fi/Adventure/Horror | Jim Davis, Christopher Mitchum, Dorothy Malone. | Summary: Aliens visit a middle-class solar-powered home, and the house is sucked into a time warp taking the family to prehistoric times.