Dr. Zelenko | Dr. Zelenko & Dr. Judy Mikovits | Do the COVID Shots Cause AIDS?!! What Should You Do If You've Already Taken the COVID-19 Shots? Why Did the Moderna CEO Say, "We Need to Make a Billion Next Year, There's Going to Be a Pan
Artificial Intelligence | "AI Is the First Technology In History That Can Make Choices By Itself. We Now Have Armies Developing Autonomous System (Killer Robots). The First Weapon That Can Decide Whether to Kill Someone." - Yuval Noah Harari
Larry Ellison | "Using the Tools That Sam (Altman) Is Providing Is a Cancer Vaccine. Early Cancer Diagnosis Using AI. You Can Design a Vaccine for Every Individual Person. Make That mRNA Vaccine Robotically Using AI" - 1/21/2025
Ecocide | "Legally Speaking What My Organization & Other Collaborators Aim to Do Is to Have This Recognized Legally As a Very Serious Crime. What We See Is Businesses Trying to Make Money, to Farm, to Fish." - Jojo Mehta (Jan. 16 2014 WEF)
Kash Patel | Kash Patel Shares Truth About The Government Gangsters, Made In China by Aaron Lewis, Truth Social Updates, Trump Case Goes Supreme Court, Sen. McConnell On Way Out as Majority Leader, & Hunter Updates
Great Reset | "COVID Is Critical Because This Is What Convinces People to Accept Total Biometric Surveillance." + "Ideally COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin." "The Next Phase Is Surveillance Going Under Our Skin." -
Golden Rule | "He Who Has the Gold Makes the Rules." | Why Did the Bank of International Settlements Make Gold a Tier One Asset In 2019? "Since WWII There Has Been One Tier One Asset, the U.S. Dollar." - Schectman + Kiyosaki
Trump Sneakers | The Owners of the 17th Pair of Trump Sneakers Ever Released Join Us to Share About Their Passion for Shoe Collection, Trump, & Making America Great Again!
Artificial Intelligence | "We Must Have Democratization of AI Technology And Make It Widely Available. And That's Why You And Me And the Rest of the Team ($1 Billion of Funding from Bill Gates) Created Open AI." - Elon Musk
Tucker Carlson / Alex Jones | "You Live Among Liberals Now, What Do You Make of Them? What Are They Like?" - Tucker Carlson + "They Live In High-Rises. They Get Food Delivered to Them. They Are Not In Reality. They Don't Have Common Se
Petrodollar | BREAKING!!! November 30th 2023 | Petrodollar Slow Death Continues As The (UAE) United Arab Emirates Ditches Dollar In Its Oil Transactions + Saudi Arabia Has Made a Deal to Trade Oil With Chinese Yuan With China
GOLD | Gold Hits All-Time High!!! (12.1.23) "UAE Made Decision to Move Away from U.S. Dollar In Oil Trade. Saudi Arabia (& China) Selling Holdings of U.S. Treasuries." + Russia to Chair BRICS + Kiyosaki, Fitts, Trump, Bannon & Bet-David
Great Reset | "Scientific Dictatorships of the Future Will Be Very Efficient." - Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) + "The Rise of Total Surveillance Regimes Might Make Democracy Much Less Efficient Than Dictatorships." Yuval Noah Harari
Great Reset | "WHO Is Not Independent. WHO's Current Sugar Daddy Is Bill Gates. Who Has Made Billions Out of His Investment In the Same Vaccines That WHO Promotes. Bill Gates Bought Who. They Now Recommend His Products. It Is That Simple."
Joe Biden | "It Almost Looks Like It Is a Different Tan." - Patrick Bet-David | "Jonna Mendez Was the Former Disguise Officer of the CIA & Her Job Was to Make Different Masks of People to Make Them Look Real." - Patrick Bet-David
JD Vance | How JD Vance's Path to Being Trump's VP Pick Wound Through Silicon Valley + What's the Connection to Peter Thiel & JD Vance? PayPal Founder Thiel Made Vance's Political Career + Why Did Thiel Fund Neuralink?
Elon Musk | Killer Robots? | "You've Got Boston Dynamics Making Impressive Robots for Awhile, Mostly Owned By Hyundai. Hyundai Is Probably Going to Make Robots Humanoids That Look Like Kangaroo On Wheels."
Yuval Noah Harari | "AI Is Not a Tool. It Is An Agent. AI Can Make Decisions By Itself. We Already Have Autonomous Weapon Systems Making Decisions By Themselves. AI Can Even Invent New Weapons & New AIs." - 11/16/2024
BRICS | Why Has Price of Gold Gone from $409.53 In 2004 to $2,442.30 Per Ounce In 2024? Does Using Facts Make You a Whack-Job Conspiracy Theorist? The Numbers Don't Lie, But Does the Mainstream Media Lie?
Beast System | "A Total System of Control. To Be Able to Do It, They Need to Have Artificial Intelligence." - Pastor Steve Cioccolanti + "Covid Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari + The A.I. Agenda Explained