(June 2015) Former US House Majority Leader Tom Delay knows of SECRET MEMO from the Dept of Justice to LEGALIZE "12 New Perversions", Including BESTIALITY & PEDOPHILIA
Trump 2024 | "Trump Is the Only Person With Stature In the Republican Party Who Is Saying Why Are We Supporting An Endless War In Ukraine. Everyone In Washington Is Wrong & Trump Is Right On That Question." - Tucker Carlson
Elon Musk | Wernher von Braun Was a Member of the Nazi Party & Allgemeine SS, Wernher von Braun led NASA'S Creation of the Saturn V Rocket That Took Apollo 11 to the Moon | Why Did Wernher von Braun Predict Elon Would Conquer Mars?
FTX | The FTX Overnight Success Story & FTX's Connection to The Democrat Party Funding, Mind the Gap, Guarding Against Pandemics & the World Economic Forum