1. Constitution Minute - The Continuing Relevance of the Constitution

    Constitution Minute - The Continuing Relevance of the Constitution

  2. Occultic Painting Hidden in Plain Site by JBS - U.N.itrian society

    Occultic Painting Hidden in Plain Site by JBS - U.N.itrian society

  3. DEBATE: Was Muhammad a True Prophet? Sam Shamoun VS Osama Abdallah (Osama Loses his Mind!)

    DEBATE: Was Muhammad a True Prophet? Sam Shamoun VS Osama Abdallah (Osama Loses his Mind!)

  4. Constitution Minute - Why Does the Constitution Limit Government Power?

    Constitution Minute - Why Does the Constitution Limit Government Power?

  5. William Cooper - Somebody Told You, So You Believe the Lies

    William Cooper - Somebody Told You, So You Believe the Lies

  6. DEBATE: Who Was Muhammad? Bakri & Hussain vs Shamoun & Wood

    DEBATE: Who Was Muhammad? Bakri & Hussain vs Shamoun & Wood

  7. Patriot Music & Defending Your Retreat! - The Hour of the Time!

    Patriot Music & Defending Your Retreat! - The Hour of the Time!

  8. The EMPATHY of Mankind - The Russian Video that Made the World CRY

    The EMPATHY of Mankind - The Russian Video that Made the World CRY

  9. William Cooper - Switzerland & Socialism = Failure - Gun Control - Militia

    William Cooper - Switzerland & Socialism = Failure - Gun Control - Militia

  10. William Cooper - AMERICAN REVOLUTION - Lexington & Concord - Retreat to Boston

    William Cooper - AMERICAN REVOLUTION - Lexington & Concord - Retreat to Boston

  11. TheTruthIsFullOfLies gets ATTACKED and HARASSED by Satanic Freemasons!

    TheTruthIsFullOfLies gets ATTACKED and HARASSED by Satanic Freemasons!

  12. What You Are Suppose to do at an Immigration Checkpoint!!! Protect Your Rights!!!

    What You Are Suppose to do at an Immigration Checkpoint!!! Protect Your Rights!!!
