6 months ago2G 3G 4G 4G+ & 5G masts on Andrews Flour Mill. View from Lower Falls Road, Belfast. 12/08/2024Belfasteye
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2 years agoThe Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth with Attorney Thomas RenzDon't Tread on Liberty
3 years agoDr. McCullough AAPS Lecture on Therapeutics, Untested "Vaccines". Unbelievable Atrocity Is Unfoldingteddolbi
3 months ago2G 3G 4G 4G+ & 5G mast, Andrews Mill, View from Percy Street, Belfast 06/07/2024Belfasteye
6 months ago5G cell mast on Edenderry Mill chimney, view from Sydney Street West, Belfast 12/08/2024Belfasteye
7 months ago2G 3G 4G 4G+ & 5G mast Beech Hall "Wellbeing and treatment Centre" Andersontown Belfast 19/07/2024Belfasteye
7 months ago2G 3G 4G 4G+ & 5G mast on roof of Saint Mary's Grammar School, Belfast 10/06/2024Belfasteye
1 year agoDr. William Makis: Epidemic OF Sudden Deaths & Cancers “Autopsies Are Being Discouraged”Asher Press
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1 year agoCovid House of Cards: DNA contamination SV40 Cancer Promoter and Gene EditingRaison d'etre: Citizen journalist, history anarchist and anarcho-syndicalist.
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