ALL MUST WATCH SHOCKING. Did Humankind Just Have It's Genome Poisoned? More Doctors Demand Investigation. Do you now become just like cattle if you took the shot? no longer human by law? Nazi eugenics program plagued the world
Part 2 Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance NANOTECHNOLOGY, BIOTECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND COGNITIVE SCIENCE NSF/DOC-sponsored report Mihail C. Roco and William Sims Bainbridge, National Science Foundation June 2002
Part 1 Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance NANOTECHNOLOGY, BIOTECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND COGNITIVE SCIENCE NSF/DOC-sponsored report Mihail C. Roco and William Sims Bainbridge, National Science Foundation 2002
The RSB Show 4-4-23 - Human Genome Editing, Julie Matthews, Autism rates, Integrative health approaches, BioIndividual Nutrition Forum, Jamie Dorley and Joe Messino, Nutritional Frontiers, Weekend event recap