YOU CAN ACCUMULATE [JUST AS MUCH] NEGATIVE KARMA FROM OVER-GIVING TRUST AND GRACE AS YOU CAN NOT BEING HUMBLE: Never Give Too Much Grace to People—More People Have This Problem Than They Themselves Realize! | Foul Mouthed Spiritualist
Woman in the Moon (FULL 1929 Silent Film, and Spiritual Sequel to the 1927 Masterpiece “Metropolis”) | Director: Fritz Lang; Cast: Gerda Maurus, Fritz Rasp, Gustav von Wangenheim.
The IMPORTANCE OF BORDERS + Naive Spiritual People Who are Prematurely "Acting 5D" w/out Right of Passage and Believe in No Borders, New Earth and the Day (a DIFFERENT Era) in Which We Don't Need Borders, and Today's Border PsyOp!
The Washington D.C. "Miracle" of 1993 — And a Way to Participate in This Spiritual Warfare While Others Must Take ANOTHER Role/Path! | Jean Noland, “Inspired”.
A Very Conservative, Spiritual, Bright, Not a Feminist (Her Own Words) Madonna 🤯 The Original “No TV” Promoter, You Would’ve Thought She Coined the Phrase “Fake News”. She Literally Sounded Like Us! [Esoteric Minds Only]