Mark of the Beast | Doctor Stella Immanuel | Food Vaccines? Why Did the USDA Approve the First Lab-Grown Meat? Why Are Schwab, Gates, Harari & John Kerry Pushing Humanity to Eat Lab Grown Meat? + Is the Chinese Social Credit Score Headed to the U.S.?
Drifting | “Drifting, Without Aim Or Purpose, Is the First Cause of Failure.” + The 3 Most Common Reasons for Business Failure (1. Not Knowing What to Do 2. Refusing to Do What Needs to Be Done 3. Being Disorganized
Turkey | Turkey Becomes the First NATO Country to Request Membership Into the BRICS Block Alliance | Turkey’s bid for BRICS both a strategic and symbolic step, - CNBC (9/10/24) | Yuval Noah Harari On Blasphemous Tour?!