US Presidents George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, Weapons Display, Obama, Clinton + They Ate a Child's Brain While The Child Was Still Alive, The Horrific Death of Grace
Kanye & Kim Kardashian's (High Priestesses into Dark Magick) Wedding Ritual Part of Phoenix Ceremony, Dark 2 Light, Self-Immolation, Chemical Wedding, Initiations of Flame, Immortal Stone + Marilyn Manson, Bieber + Wore Rubber Boots for Grounding
The Black Eye Club, Comes From a Particular Ritual, It's a Warning to Brotherhood Members: Break the Secrets and Lose Your Eye + Adrenochrome Can Also Be Involved in Causing Black Eyes + Sodomy and Panda Eyes
Mothers Of Darkness Meet Satan Every Night + Hearing Spirits + The Ritual To Become Queen Mother Of Darkness, Decapitation of Predecessor and Cannibalism