2 years agoIonel si socrii sai in ziua de Craciun au ascultat Romeo Fantastik si au mancat pateusyp0010
4 months agoA flavor of a ROEA’s 2007 Episcopate Congress, w/ Fr Constantin Alecse [07]Mitropolia ROMA - Holy Trinity Church, Los Angeles [www.biserica.org]
4 months agoA flavor of a ROEA’s 2007 Episcopate Congress, w/ Fr Constantin Alecse [11]Mitropolia ROMA - Holy Trinity Church, Los Angeles [www.biserica.org]
4 months agoA flavor of a ROEA’s 2007 Episcopate Congress, w/ Fr Constantin Alecse [09]Mitropolia ROMA - Holy Trinity Church, Los Angeles [www.biserica.org]
2 months agoInteligenta spirituala, w/ Par. Arhid. Lect. Dr Sorin MihalacheBiserica Sfânta Treime, LA * Paroh: Pr. Protopop Constantin Alecse
4 months agoMitropolia ROMA: Congresul Eparhial si Intronizarea Mitropolitului Nicolae [slideshow]Mitropolia ROMA - Holy Trinity Church, Los Angeles [www.biserica.org]
4 months agoA flavor of a ROEA’s 2007 Episcopate Congress, w/ Fr Constantin Alecse [10]Mitropolia ROMA - Holy Trinity Church, Los Angeles [www.biserica.org]
4 months agoA flavor of a ROEA’s 2007 Episcopate Congress, w/ Fr Constantin Alecse [05]Mitropolia ROMA - Holy Trinity Church, Los Angeles [www.biserica.org]
2 months agoViata in captivitatea ecranelor, w/ Par. Arhid. Lect. Dr. Sorin MihalacheBiserica Sfânta Treime, LA * Paroh: Pr. Protopop Constantin Alecse
2 months agoDespre căsătoriile mixte, w/ Parintele CalistratBiserica Sfânta Treime, LA * Paroh: Pr. Protopop Constantin Alecse
2 years agoAM GASIT CELE MAI SCUMPE BOMBOANE DE CRACIUN #oguritamica #mancaciosul #mancareionpanait2022
2 years agoTESTAM GURGERUL DE LA TARGUL DE CRACIUN #oguritamica #manciosul #mancare #burger#chrismasionpanait2022
2 years agoCUM TREBUI SA ARATE NISTE SARMALE CORECTE DE CRACIUN #oguritamica #mancaciosul #mancareionpanait2022