#146 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: How We Have FAILED GOD'S Children & Allow Them To Be Sacrificed EVERY DAY! MICHELE SWINICK Gives The SOLUTIONS To Save The Children & Take Back America - BAN THE VOTING MACHINES & MORE! | Dr. Alan Keyes
359: JESUS ROCKS - Satan Is Real, He Doesn't Carry A Pitchfork & The Military Is A Hub For Child Sacrificing & Trafficking | LUCY DIGRAZIA - Episode #6
426: ARIZONA UPDATE - The Selected Elitists Stole Your Sacred Right To Choose Your Representatives - MICHELE SWINICK & ANN VANDERSTEEL - The Zelenko Report
#180 Corrupt, Fraudulent & Unconstitutional Elections Have Devastating Consequences + The Illegal Alien Border Invasion Update. Are You Ready To Take Back Your Country? | JEFF DORNIK, MICHELE SWINICK, ANN VANDERSTEEL
429: ARIZONA UPDATE: Mari-Corruption County Has Officially Earned It's Name - The Most Fraudulent Election In American History! MICHELE SWINICK & JD RUCKER