Dr. Rashid Buttar | “We Were Told What to Do. If Your Employer Told You to Do It (Follow the COVID-19 Protocols), You Do it. Doctors Were Not Thinking for Themselves. This Is Very Concerning." - Dr. Simone Gold
John Rich | "How Do I Know Who Is Telling the TRUTH? Read What the Bible Has Says About It, & If They Are Opposed to It, Then They Are Wrong & They Are Basically Against the Ultimate Truth (The Bible)." - John Rich (7/16/24)
Yuval Noah Harari | "GPT Tried to Hire a Human to Solve the Captcha for It. The Human Got Suspicious. Nobody Told GPT4 to Lie & Told GPT4 What Lie Would Be Most Effective. This Was a Very Effective Lie." - 10/1/2024
Barack Obama | Why Did Barack Obama Tell Trump? "There Is Only One Person You Should Not Hire, General Michael Flynn. There Are Two People In the World You Cannot Trust, One of Them Is Putin & One of Them Is General Michael Flynn."
Yuval Noah Harari | "Tell Us the Story Why It Was Decided That This Huge Book Should Be Represented In the Book Shop By a Pigeon?" - Robin Ince | "In Hebrew, the Word for Dove Is Also Pigeon." - Yuval Noah Harari | Matt 24:37
Bird Flu | "At the Beginning of Any Pandemic, Everybody Tries Everything. We Remember Being Told Everything Is Fine. Only Five People Have It. This Isn't Going to Go Any Further." - Senator Mitt Romney (May 15th 2024)
Yuval Noah Harari | "Open AI Developed GP4 They Wanted to Test the Ability of This New AI So They Gave It the Task of Solving Captcha Puzzles. Nobody Told GPT to Lie. The AI Decided to AI In Order to Achieve Its Goal." - 12/6/2024
Yuval Noah Harari | "Artificial Intelligence Is Not A Tool. It Is An Agent. It Can Take Power Away from U.S. OpenAI Developed GPT4, They Gave It A Puzzle to Solve Captcha Puzzles. GPT4 Told Human No, I Am Not a Robot." - 9/6/2024