1. show-102: saying YES or NO to 'The Voice by Aborigines' in Parliament' in Australia.

    show-102: saying YES or NO to 'The Voice by Aborigines' in Parliament' in Australia.

  2. show-142: All about Yes or No still but it looks more like a Yes these days.

    show-142: All about Yes or No still but it looks more like a Yes these days.

  3. show-143: Responding to some emails and some other stuff.

    show-143: Responding to some emails and some other stuff.

  4. show-131: All about the fires in Hawaii & how our governments "not" turning against us.

    show-131: All about the fires in Hawaii & how our governments "not" turning against us.

  5. show-118: All about Zelenskyy want nuclear war with Russia, also about kid trafficking.

    show-118: All about Zelenskyy want nuclear war with Russia, also about kid trafficking.

  6. show-98: 16 y/o kids making up their mind on what to do for the rest of their life and the difference between American and African blacks.

    show-98: 16 y/o kids making up their mind on what to do for the rest of their life and the difference between American and African blacks.

  7. show-116: The truth about France riots, America and Zelenskyy.

    show-116: The truth about France riots, America and Zelenskyy.

  8. show - 96: FaceBook's incompetency and people who don't keep their word.

    show - 96: FaceBook's incompetency and people who don't keep their word.

  9. show-93: Australian ANZAC day, the truth, and the misconceptions about it.

    show-93: Australian ANZAC day, the truth, and the misconceptions about it.

  10. show-132: All about why I do these videos and Trump's processing in jail.

    show-132: All about why I do these videos and Trump's processing in jail.

  11. show-129: Vote YES then crawl back into the racist NO-hole you came from.

    show-129: Vote YES then crawl back into the racist NO-hole you came from.

  12. show-140: All about UN & WHO condoning and pushing grooming children and the Yes & No situation.

    show-140: All about UN & WHO condoning and pushing grooming children and the Yes & No situation.

  13. show-139: Still Yes or No to the Aboriginal Voice in Parliament? More info on the No this time.

    show-139: Still Yes or No to the Aboriginal Voice in Parliament? More info on the No this time.

  14. show-127: The truth about Bill Gates, NZ cops in Queens Land, 19 arrested for child trafficking.

    show-127: The truth about Bill Gates, NZ cops in Queens Land, 19 arrested for child trafficking.

  15. show-121: All about lunacy in the world, LGBTQ+, Transgenderism, Pedophiles grooming kids at schools, and how governments condoning it.

    show-121: All about lunacy in the world, LGBTQ+, Transgenderism, Pedophiles grooming kids at schools, and how governments condoning it.

  16. show-124: The scientific truth about global temperature change and climate change as a whole.

    show-124: The scientific truth about global temperature change and climate change as a whole.

  17. show-113: The truth about covid and the vax, war between twins and more.

    show-113: The truth about covid and the vax, war between twins and more.

  18. show-108: Still about Transgender & LGBTQ+ pride month, Gays Against Grooming and a lot more.

    show-108: Still about Transgender & LGBTQ+ pride month, Gays Against Grooming and a lot more.

  19. show-97: teacher 28 in Aussie high school, taking pictures and videos of girls' private parts.

    show-97: teacher 28 in Aussie high school, taking pictures and videos of girls' private parts.

  20. show-119: All about the movie 'Sound of Freedom' and kid trafficking.

    show-119: All about the movie 'Sound of Freedom' and kid trafficking.
