THE TRUTH MATTERS - Steve Bannon is Free! What's Next for America? | 30 OCTOBER 2024
Steve Cortes Feels Hope With The Young Populist Movement Taking Charge Including Senator J.D. Vance.
Steve Cortes: Inflation Surge, Stocks Crushed, Bond Market Collapse
Steve Cortes: Nike Is Taking Massive Hits
Steve Cortes: ‘The Radicals Overplayed their Hand’ Leading to an Uprising of MAGA in Local Elections
Steve Cortes: 'Mayorkas is First in Line for Impeachment' for his Dereliction of Duties
Steve Cortes: It's Time For The Republican Party To Coalesce Around Our Candidates
Steve Cortes: Injections Join Immigration And Inflation As The Three Major I's Affecting Americans
Steve Cortes: "This is a systemic crisis with ongoing terrible fallout for the economy.."
Only 10% Of Americans Believe Economic Situation Is Improving, Steve Cortes Reports
Steve Cortes: We Have Earned This Seat At The Table To Reclaim Our Prosperity
Steve Cortes: "We could use the 100 billion dollars plus that we are spending on Ukraine."
Steve Cortes On J.D. Vance's Debate Win
Steve Cortes: Crime In Chicago Is Out Of Control
Steve Cortes: We’re In The ‘Early Innings’ Of A Larger Banking Crisis.
Steve Cortes Covers the Data in Texas
Steve Cortes Demands Trillions In “Biological War Reperations” For The CCP’s Biomedical Pearl Harbor
Steve Cortes: The Biden Economy Is Already Crashing
Steve Cortes: “If the Dollar loses its status, Americans will be punished in terrible ways.”
Steve Cortes and Bill Barr’s Conflicting Statements on Voting Procedure
“The Bill Always Comes Due”: Steve Cortes Gives Reality Check On America’s “Debt Bomb”
REPLAY: Nick Fuentes Breaks Down Viral Alex Jones/Stew Peters Interview: Zionists Control US Foreign Policy
Stew Peters Network