North Dakota Considers Eliminating Property Taxes/Transgender Exposes Butt Cheeks During University Lecture/Pentagon Using AI Deepfake Internet Users in Military-Grade Psy-Op to ‘Brainwash Americans’
Military Arresting Fraudulent Pollsters/US sees no way for Israel to destroy Hamas/New Zealand Justice Minister Says Kim Dotcom To Be Extradited To The United States/U.S. Justice Department Reportedly Considers Breaking Up Google/‘Sweets’ Made of Pure
Military Arrests Biden’s Doctor for Conspiracy to Defraud the United States/Israel gave US Congress weapons wishlist/Nearly 1 Hour of Never-Before-Seen 9/11 World Trade Center Collapse Footage Surfaces After 23 Years
Military Arrests Deep State Election Fraudster and Pedo/Texans Outraged As 90-Foot Tall Statue of Pagan Monkey God Erected in Houston/Scott Jennings Stuns Other CNN Hosts: ‘Democrats Have Controlled White House for 12 of Last 16 Years But Everything is