Disease X | "History Teaches Us That the Next Pandemic Is a Matter of When, Not If." - Tedros Ghebreyesus (February 12th 2024) + "COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari + Sherwood Discusses the Food Pyramid
The Great Reset | What's Wrong w/ That?! Special Gameshow Edition Featuring the Exposure of: The Great Reset Agenda, Klaus Schwab, CBDCs, Yuval Noah Harari, the Collapse of the Dollar, The End of Human History, the A.I. Agenda, & Marina Abramovic
Tucker Carlson | "Oh, Yeah, Yeah. That Crowd Was Filled With Federal Agents." - Steven A. Sund (A Retired American Police Officer Who Served As the 10th Chief of the United State Capitol Police from 2019-2021) + Ice Cube Explains Rap History
Michael Yeadon | "We're In the Middle of the Biggest Crime In History, And Will Involve Killing Millions, If Not Billions of People. It is Long Planned." - Michael Yeadon (Scientific Researcher And a Vice President At Pfizer)
Yuval Noah Harari | “Artificial Intelligence Can Do Many Good Things for Us. But, It Can Also DESTROY US. A.I. Is Different from Every Previous Invention In Human History. A.I. Is Different. It’s the First Invention In Human History"
Elon Musk | Investigative Journalist Whitney Webb Discusses: What Is the True History of Elon Musk? What Is the True Agenda of Elon Musk? Why Did Elon Musk Actually Buy Twitter?
Elon Musk | Investigative Journalist Whitney Webb Discusses: What Is the True History of Elon Musk? What Is the True Agenda of Elon Musk? Why Did Elon Musk Actually Buy Twitter?
A New World Order | "Novus Order Seclorem, A New Order Forever." - Nancy Pelosi, "We Are Now Facing a Common Challenge And the Challenge Is How to Build a World Order for the First Time In History On a Global Basis." - Henry Kissinger
Yuval Noah Harari | "A.I. Doesn't Need to Killer Robots to Shoot Us, It Can Get Humans to Pull the Trigger. A.I. Has Just Hacked the Operating System of Human Civilization, We Are Talking About the End of Human History." - Yuval Noah Harari
Klaus Schwab | What Is the History of Klaus Schwab? What Is the Connection Between David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Klaus Schwab, Adolf Hitler, Justin Trudeau, Angela Merkel, the World Economic Forum & The Great Reset?
Peter Navarro | The Biggest Coverup In American History Just Happened Before Our Eyes, MAGA Principles Through the Lens of Commander Jack Reese & Trust Issues with India's Modi, A Capsizing Commercial Real Estate Ship
10 NEW Commandments?! Why Did Yuval Noah Harari, the Author Praised by Obama, Zuckerberg & Gates Say, "The U.S. Constitution and the 10 Commandments, Both Documents Endorse Slavery." "The Last Presidential Election In U.S. History?!&quo
Armageddon | The Road to Armageddon Explained Including: Nimrod, Gilgamesh, Euphrates, A.I., Israel, Rapture, "This Is the End of Human History. This Was the Moment Surveillance Started Going Under the Skin." -Yuval