Aliens & UFO's + Angels, Humans, and Demons; Enoch and Tarot! (8/13/23) — More for the Spiritual Than for the Only-Just-Awakening Lower Vibrational [SJW "Truther" (A Lower-Level Phase of the Awakening Process)]. | Michael Mirdad
Abraham Hicks—Aliens are Irrelevant, BRING IT BACK TO YOU! YOU are the Leading Edge of Creation. If You are Judging This by Their Technology, Instead Try DISCERNING This by YOUR Span of Emotions/Emotional Range... They Have None.
SIGHTINGS: Alien Communications, The (Then) Latest Alien Abductions, Startling Video Tapes of UFO's Including a UFO Landing, and More! | [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]