Yuval Noah Harari | "In the U.S. There Is a Completely Open Legal Path to Recognizing Non-Humans Devoid of Bodies As Legal Persons w/ Rights. Corporations Are Legal Persons That Have Freedom of Speech." - 9/25/24
General Flynn | Why Are 159 Countries Set to Adopt the BRICS New Payment System? Why Are 81.% of Countries Set to Adopt the BRICS New Payment System? “AGI Is Either a Complement or Substitute to Humans?” - Peter Thiel
Yuval Noah Harari | "This Is Going to Be the Biggest Question In 21st Century Economics & Politics, What to Do With Billions of Useless Humans?" - Yuval Noah Harari (Advisor Praised By Obama, Zuckerberg, Gates, MIT, Stanford, the WEF, etc.)
Yuval Noah Harari | "No Human Being, No President, Nobody In the Central Bank Understands Finance Anymore Because A.I. Has Made It Too Complicated, Could Lead to Power Shifting from Humans to Algorithms."
Yuval Noah Harari | "Philosophically There Is No Way to Prove Anyone Is a Conscious Entity. As Humans Become Attached to AIs & Develop Relationships There Will Be a Huge Pressures to Recognize Them As Persons." 10/11/2024
Yuval Noah Harari | "VOTING RIGHTS Are Based On the Assumption That All Humans Have Equal Feelings Rather Than Equal Intelligence. What Might Happen If It Turns Out That Not All Humans Have the Same Capacity to Feel?"
Mayor Rudy Giuliani | "They Think It (Abortion) Is Murder, I'm Just OK With That." - Bill Maher + "What to Do With Billions of Useless Humans? What Do We Need So Many Humans For?" Yuval Harari
Elon Musk | "Is There a Use for Humans? I Think There Is Some Argument for Humans As a Source of Will or Purpose. It's a Much Higher Bar to Compete With 8 Billion Machine-Augmented Humans." - 8/2/24 + The Singularity
Mark of the Beast | Is the W.H.O. Digital Health Certificate Coming Soon?! Is BRICS Announcing Expanded Membership & Introducing Programmable Central Bank Digital Currency? "We Are Upgrading Humans Into Gods." - Yuval Noah Harari
Yuval Noah Harari | "I Wrote NEXUS. I Go from Podcast to TV Station to Talk About My Book. The Entities I'm Trying to Impress Are the Algorithms Because If I Can Get the Attention of the Algorithms the Humans Will Follow." - 9/5/24Yuval Noa
Yuval Noah Harari | "Millions of AIs Will Be Taking Decisions In Everything from Finance to the Military. In Reality It Is Still Humans Pulling the Trigger. But, Increasingly It Is the AIs That Choose the Targets." - December 6th 2024
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Does Yuval Noah Harari Re-Write the Bible Using Artificial Intelligence? Why Does Yuval Noah Harari Call Humans "Hackable Animals?" Why Does Yuval Noah Harari Say, "COVID Makes Surveillance Under the Skin?
Elon Musk | "We Could Literally Change a Setting In Your Brain & Turn Off Hunger. A Sufficiently Advanced Neuralink Would Be Able to Save State. Is It Possible to Clone Humans? Of Course." - Elon Musk (8/4/2022) | Rev 16:12-14
Give the gift of truth this year with A wonderful digital Video Christmas card send it to your family & friends who you tried to warn but still went ahead and took the Jabs anyways Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄 We Were Right All Along! #Nonvaxer420
Bird Flu | "First US Human Death from Bird Flu In LA." - 1/6/25 (NBC) + "What Is the Ratio of Humanoid Robots to Humans? At Least 4 to 1." + "Computers Smarter Than Humans, But They Take Care of the Humans." - Elon Musk