1. Gary Lineker To Take Boat Migrant Into His Home. I Hope He Has Good Broadband....

    Gary Lineker To Take Boat Migrant Into His Home. I Hope He Has Good Broadband....

  2. Post Brexit Internal Market Laws Send Remainers Into A Frenzy For No Reason

    Post Brexit Internal Market Laws Send Remainers Into A Frenzy For No Reason

  3. Deranged Remainer Brutally Ends His Brexiteer Mother To Steal Her Savings & Continue His Fantasy

    Deranged Remainer Brutally Ends His Brexiteer Mother To Steal Her Savings & Continue His Fantasy

  4. The Corbynated Chicken Doubles Down & Faces Legal Action

    The Corbynated Chicken Doubles Down & Faces Legal Action

  5. Priti Patel Is Doing Something Right, Shamima Begum's Return To The UK Stopped

    Priti Patel Is Doing Something Right, Shamima Begum's Return To The UK Stopped

  6. Boris Johnson Could Scrap The Withdrawal Agreement Thanks To The EU's Antics

    Boris Johnson Could Scrap The Withdrawal Agreement Thanks To The EU's Antics

  7. Remainers Crawl Back Out Of The Sewers To Stop Post Brexit UK-US Trade Deal

    Remainers Crawl Back Out Of The Sewers To Stop Post Brexit UK-US Trade Deal

  8. Priti Patel Furious As French Claim They Cannot Stop Boats Off The Coast, Not Even Criminals

    Priti Patel Furious As French Claim They Cannot Stop Boats Off The Coast, Not Even Criminals

  9. SNP Justice Sec Humza Yousaf Mourns Criminal On Twitter Before Hastily Deleting Tweet

    SNP Justice Sec Humza Yousaf Mourns Criminal On Twitter Before Hastily Deleting Tweet

  10. Tony Blair & John Major Accuse Boris Of Shaming The Country... Are They Having A Laugh

    Tony Blair & John Major Accuse Boris Of Shaming The Country... Are They Having A Laugh

  11. The BBC Deliberately Leave Out Birmingham Suspect Description As Police Bungle Manhunt For 26 Hours

    The BBC Deliberately Leave Out Birmingham Suspect Description As Police Bungle Manhunt For 26 Hours

  12. Ben & Jerry's Destroyed For Virtue Signalling Tweet Defending South Coast Invasion

    Ben & Jerry's Destroyed For Virtue Signalling Tweet Defending South Coast Invasion

  13. Gary Lineker's At It Again, This Time He's After Fish & Chips

    Gary Lineker's At It Again, This Time He's After Fish & Chips

  14. Another Labour Politician Gets A Suspended Prison Sentence For More Heinous Crimes

    Another Labour Politician Gets A Suspended Prison Sentence For More Heinous Crimes

  15. 6 Men Arrested At Liverpool City Centre Hotel For Raping 16 Year Old Girl

    6 Men Arrested At Liverpool City Centre Hotel For Raping 16 Year Old Girl

  16. Rochdale Police Finally Start Protecting Young Girls....Decades Too Late

    Rochdale Police Finally Start Protecting Young Girls....Decades Too Late

  17. British Youtuber Active Patriot Arrested For Live Streaming The Invasion On The South Coast

    British Youtuber Active Patriot Arrested For Live Streaming The Invasion On The South Coast

  18. German Constitutional Court Helps Deliver A Better Brexit While Destroying EU Plans

    German Constitutional Court Helps Deliver A Better Brexit While Destroying EU Plans

  19. Tory Snakes In The Grass Lead Labour & Co To Defeat Again

    Tory Snakes In The Grass Lead Labour & Co To Defeat Again

  20. 10 Brexit Options For Boris? More Like A Remainers BDS Induced Salty Tears

    10 Brexit Options For Boris? More Like A Remainers BDS Induced Salty Tears

  21. Dominic Cummings Civil Service Reform Gains An Unlikely Ally

    Dominic Cummings Civil Service Reform Gains An Unlikely Ally

  22. The BBC's £100M Box Ticking Diversity Drive Is In Full Swing

    The BBC's £100M Box Ticking Diversity Drive Is In Full Swing

  23. Former Brexit Party MEP Calls On Boris Johnson To Ignore Barnier & Leave On WTO Terms Now

    Former Brexit Party MEP Calls On Boris Johnson To Ignore Barnier & Leave On WTO Terms Now
