1 year agoWe need 5 actors for our movie. who will not get a callback? ! Brain Test level 124!gauravyawale
1 year agoIf I Chicken is cooked in 5 minutes. How long would it take to cook 5 chicken? Brain test level 130!gauravyawale
1 year agowhat accurs twice in a week .once in a year and never in a month ?! Brain Test Level 62!gauravyawale
1 year agoThe Fisherman is heaving a terrible day. help him catch a fish . ! brain test level 74gauravyawale
1 year agotoday is jim's 2nd birthday . light the candle for him . ! brain test level 80!gauravyawale
1 year agohow many letter are left if E and T leave the alphabet? ! brain test level 84 !gauravyawale