CBDC | Catherine Austine Fitts | The Central Banks Have Decided to Take Over. The Ultimate Completion of This Will Be When They Introduce Central Currencies Controlled and Operated by the Central Bank
Rishi Sunak | Who Is Rishi Sunak? Why Is the New U.K. Prime Minister Pushing Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies, Digital IDS and Infosys Technology Endorsed by the World Economic Forum?
The Great Reset | "Leave the Decision Making to the A.I. It's Better At That and Let's Focus On Exploring Consciousness and On Exploring Experience Which Is Not About Decision Making."
CBDCs | Quant CEO Pushes CBDCs, "If We'd Had Central Bank Digital Currencies in 2008, We Probably Wouldn't Have Had the Financial Crisis." - Gilbert Verdian (CEO and Founder of Quant)