Mothers Of Darkness Meet Satan Every Night + Hearing Spirits + The Ritual To Become Queen Mother Of Darkness, Decapitation of Predecessor and Cannibalism
The Breeding Program, Babies are Cared for in a Hospital-like Setting, Children are Supplied for Sacrifice or for Sadistic Sexual Abuse + Efforts in Texas and Seattle to Combat Child Trafficking
The Midsummer Solstice Ritual Occurs Before the 12-Year-Old or First Blasphemy Ritual which involves Gang Rape, Cannibalism, Murder, Full Initiation + Jessie Saw 2 of those Rituals at Gloria Vanderbilt's House
Underground Tunnel Systems, Reports of Children Being Rescued (June 2020) + Jessie's Personal Experiece and First-Hand Knowledge, Breeder Programs + Protectors, Assassins, Luciferian Sources Say There Were People Other Than Themselves in the Tunnels
Halloween and the History, Some Organized Halloween Events + Satan Himself Attends Certain Rituals + Magazine Covers, Communications About Rituals, Locations, Quadrants, Who Has to Attend etc.
Katy Perry Wide Awake Video Decode, Altered States, Demonic Spirits Guard the Door Out, Socks, Waking Up + Chesire Cat, Fear-Charm, Unicorns, Sex Magick
Occultists in Different Areas of Society, Well Known People + Frank Lloyd Wright Houses, Similar to the Underground Railroad When Slaves Were Given Signs with Meaning about a Place i.e. What Help is Available There
Justin Bieber Yummy Music Video Decode, Hand Sign, High Priest Masonic Ring, Cherries, Sexual Allusions, Triple Arch and Pillars of Freemasonry, Ba'al and Ashtoreth, 12-Year-Old Initiation Ritual
Gloria Vanderbilt's Hidden Room, Mummification and Taxidermy, Doll House with Dolls Made from Dead Infants + "Dream Boxes" + A Spiritual Force Was Present
The Lord was Training Jessie When the Enemy Thought he was Training her + Obedience, Healing, Threats, The Death of Jessie's Son, Retaliation for Speaking Out + Jessie's Websites, Donations
Queen Mother Of Darkness, 5 MoDs Run the Entire System, Meet Satan Every Night, Instruct the Satanic Council + Quadrants, Grand High Priests & Priestesses, High Priests & Priestesses, Assets, Hierarchy & Expendable Kids, Chosen, Money is Made
Clip of an Exorcism with Ed and Lorraine Warren + Changeling Spirits, Illuminati Protectors, Vampires and Werewolves, Connected to Spirits at the Age of 5 + It's Not an Illusion, Their Bones Actually Do Move