The Great Reset | "The World Economic Forum Plan for 2030. Your Family Will Eat Zero Amounts of Meat and Zero Amounts of Dairy. Each Person Will Be Restricted to 2,500 Calories a Day. 3 New Items of Clothing Per." - Glenn Beck
The Global Biodiversity Assessment of 1995: “A reasonable estimate for an industrialized world society at the present North American standard of living would be One Billion"
Edmonton Freedom Rally To Raise awareness about Agenda 2030 and encourage individuals to take action against the goals of Agenda 2030, including the 15-minute city concept.
Dedicated to all the real 'TRUTHERS' & [LINKS/Salesmen] All around The World that do not mention Biodigital Convergence BIO-CYBER INTERFACE Bio-Nano-Things 6g ITU-IOBNT-THZ IEEE-IEC-ISO POLICIES & All The connections in between