3 years ago01 of 11 Consultancy Extracts, Dr Mike Yeadon, Why the mRNA Jab is LESS SAFEDuneDrifter Counter Narrative Channel
3 years ago02 of 11 Consultancy Extracts, Dr Mike Yeadon, Explains the mRNA Jab and Blood ClotsDuneDrifter Counter Narrative Channel
3 years ago03 of 11 Dr Mike Yeadon, mRNA is a Human Experiment, so stop 10m UK Children from getting the jabDuneDrifter Counter Narrative Channel
3 years ago04 of 11 Dr Mike Yeadon, Explains the mRNA JAB and Who Should Say NO to taking itDuneDrifter Counter Narrative Channel
3 years ago05 of 11 Dr Mike Yeadon, Explains to his Critics, Why he is Pro Health and NOT Anti-VaxDuneDrifter Counter Narrative Channel
3 years ago06 of 11 Dr Mike Yeadon, Covid_19 Variants are NOT a threat here is the evidence why notDuneDrifter Counter Narrative Channel
3 years ago07 of 11 Dr Mike Yeadon, Gives His Views to the question Is Covid_19 a PlandemicDuneDrifter Counter Narrative Channel
3 years ago08 of 11 Dr Mike Yeadon, Evidence why Asymptomatic Transmission of Covid NOT POSSIBLEDuneDrifter Counter Narrative Channel
3 years ago11 of 11 Dr Mike Yeadon, How Deadly Covid_19 is and how much fear is being generated by the MSMDuneDrifter Counter Narrative Channel
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3 years agoDoctors for Covid Ethics An Interdisciplinary Symposium II - Mike Yeadon & Katherine Austin FittsDuneDrifter Counter Narrative Channel
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