#328 TRUMP WANTS HIS MAGA SENATE SEAT BACK …KARI LAKE WON ARIZONA! Senate Can CALL Hearing, INVESTIGATE Massive Maricopa County Election Maladministration! 130,000 Missing Ballots & MORE. ONLY Need 1 SENATOR…DEMAND IT! | SG ANON
Business | "We Grew from $70,000 Per Year In Revenue to $800,000 Per Year In Revenue!! Without That Weekly Meeting It Would Fall Apart. I Don’t Know What We Would Do Without the Weekly Meeting.” - Danica & Jordan Norman
#328 Maricopa County Is MISSING 130,000 Ballots, ERASED Results & ILLEGALLY Recounted 20% Of Vote Centers + Kari Lake WON Arizona! Senate Can CALL Hearing To INVESTIGATE Massive Election Maladministration! ONLY Need 1 US SENATOR…DEMAND IT! | SG ANON
Mark of the Beast | Would You Let Someone Implant a Microchip Into Your Hand If You Would Receive $2,000 Per Month? Think This Is a Conspiracy Theory? Here's the Tokenization Process In the Words of the BIS." - Clayton Morris (7/25/23)