Until Humanity Knows Itself it Best Slow Down What it Does with Technology—We Already Have What Transhumanism Seeks to Create! | Gregg Braden, and Ben Stewart Interviewed by Regina Meredith: Transhumanism and Taking Back Your Sovereignty.
MOST IMPORTANT Video You'll See the Rest of 2023(?) — WHAT Are You REALLY Doing Here in 3D? And the "Fallen Angels", What is Their Role? YOU ARE HERE COLLECTING DATA. Enough Data Collected = Taking "Life" WAAAY Less Serious.
WE in 5D and Aethereal Alchemist Dissect the Question "What in the HELL is Going On These Day!?" in Semi-Intense Livestream! | Aethereal Alchemist, Josh Lays Out a Comprehensive Timeline of Recent Events and WE in 5D Serves as Esoteric Pundit.
EXCLUSIVE: Australian Political Prisoner Responds to Julian Assange's Release! What's the REAL Reason the Illuminati Have Allowed the Freeing of Assange? What "Free"? Free to Further Be Tortured in His Homeland of Communist Australia?
Jelaila Starr on Michael Salla's "Exopolitcs Today" (Full Interview): Earth's History, Our Galactic Origins Via Lyra, Timeline Info on the Failed Assassination Attempt of Trump BEFORE IT HAPPENED, and What's Next for Us!