The Torah Decoded (This Doesn't Make it Good or Bad—Just a Tool You can do "Good" or "Bad" Stuff With!) | This is Not a Torah/Bible-Worship Video!! | Gregg Braden, "In Focus".
Why Tucker Carlson ACTUALLY Got Fired! | If You Missed the Memo 15+ Years Ago with an Earlier Wave of Awakening That Fox News is 100% —666— Here’s Your Next Arriving Ship 💉
“Armageddon”: The Final Battle — How Will You Create it? The Illuminati Conditioned You with [“God” is Coming to Save You] so That You Forfeit Your Physical AND Spiritual Sovereignty, and You Have, But the Outcome is Yours. | Gregg Braden
Nobody of the Freedom-Minded Really Cares About Consenting Adults Living Their Lives; Anybody Sane Cares About Children Growing Up as Untainted as Possible from the Outside World Until Adult Age! It’s Just as Simple as That.
Christian Fanatic Healed by Tibetan Monk.. Healing Reverses a Week Later When She Learns the Monk isn’t Christian. She Was Healed by No Religion in the First Place —JUST the Mind. The Judgemental go to Hell for No Reason Except the Mind Creates it!
Guys.. F✰cking REALLY!? You Don’t Change Them, YOU DISSOLVE THEM—Creating Your Reality/Choosing Your Timeline. The Need to Reform Old Tech is Equal to the Fool Chaser Who’ll Never Catch the Runner. | The Most Innocent of Tarot Readers RESTRICTED!
Divorce by Combat | If Karmic Soulmates Could Live Out Their Desire to Destroy One Another!.. Well, They Once Did—in The Medieval Times. And Leave it to the Modern Christians (Modern, Relative to the Krystics) Once Again! This was Law.
Week in Review: US Congress and Pentagon Fight Over UFO Disclosure, Fleet of UFO's in Mexico, ET Revelations on Maui Fire, and More! | Michael Salla, "Exopolitics Today".