Prophecy 66 evil ones defeat "after the Bride (144,000) changes into their Glorified Bodies and will warn the guests not to take the Mark of the Beast and to help protect them" physically/spiritually
New Moon in Gemini 5/30/22 🌙 Money Soon Flows and a —New— Person Shows [Up] + Another Person You Were Dealing with is Lost with an Overwhelming Lack of Self-Love!
Prophecy 120 - Don't Give Up! Do Not Quit! Sukkot Restoration Prophecy...! "And they are exposing and rebuking all that is unholy and they are warning that the false messiah is on the way—but it shall not happen until I take MY true Bride away
YAH'S Amightywind Prophecy 33 - The Horror!.. As In The Time of Hitler, So It Shall Be Again! Over 600M martyrs! But YAH SAYS Know I am with you! (mirrored)
SHOCKING! Amazing Heroic Girl Says "I Hope You All GO TO JAIL!" as she Refuses To Comply With Child Mask Mandate. Pummels School Board! (mirrored from