1 year agoLIBRA message of the day #libra #tarot #tarotary #shamanicmedicine #oracle #dailycardtarotarychannel
1 year agoLIBRA message of the day #libra #tarot #tarotary #DreamsofGaia #RavynnePhelan #dailycardtarotarychannel
1 year agoCapricorn *They Want & Need You But Can They Truly Love You How You Want Them To?* April Full MoonSunlight Insight Tarot
2 years agoSPIRIT SPEAKS💫MESSAGE FROM YOUR LOVED ONE IN SPIRIT #156 ~ spirit reading with tarotLillian Rajkovich, Medium/Tarot
1 year ago✂️Let Go of Those Past Distractions So This 🌟New Energy🌟Can Come In (Love & General)Tareah’s Tarot
2 years agoSPIRIT SPEAKS💫MESSAGE FROM YOUR LOVED ONE IN SPIRIT #52 spirit reading with tarotLillian Rajkovich, Medium/Tarot
3 years agoALL SIGNS! OMG YOUR PAST PERSON.😩 ♏️♊️♐️♋️♑️♌️♒️♍️♈️♓️♎️♉️ THIS IS LONG😘 WHOLE READING IS YOURS.Oracle Moon Messages