Mike Lindell | Mike Lindell Discusses: His 3-Year+ Journey to ReAwaken America Tour, MyPillow.com Being Cancelled By FOX News, God Wins In the End, The Importance of Speaking the TRUTH Now, TRUMP 2024 & More!!!
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Upper Classes Which Dominates All the New Technology Just Won't Need the Poor." - "Now We Are Going to See a Shift In Authority from Humans to Algorithms." - Yuval Noah Harari - 9/29/2017
Barack Obama | Who Is Barack Obama? What Does Barack Obama's Name Mean In Hebrew? What Is "Disease X"? | Why Are U.K. Scientists Developing Vaccine for "Disease X" Before "Disease X" Event Exists?
General Flynn & Peter Navarro | The Unprecedented Persecution Patriots Increases: Jury Finds Trump Must Pay $83.3 M to Carroll + Navarro Sentenced to 4 months In Prison + UAE & China Conduct 1st Trade Using mBridge CBDC Platform
BRICS | Is BRICS the Key to New International Monetary System? Is BRICS Building Infrastructure to By-Pass SWIFT & Other Payment Channels of the West (The U.S.)? BRICS Set to Add New Members (UAE, Saudi Arabia, etc.) Jan. 1st 2024
Yuval Noah Harari | "Human Rights Are Just Like Heaven & Like God, It's Just a Fictional Story That We've Invented & Spread Around. Homo Sapiens Have No Rights. Take a Human, Cut Him Open, You Don't Find Any Human Rights."
Dollar Collapse | "The BRICS Nations Are Supposedly Set to Announce to the World Their New Currency Which Jim Rickards Anticipates to Be Backed By Gold. Rickards Expects Them to Make That Announcement Aug 22nd At the BRICS Meeting." - Schectman
Yuval Noah Harari | "If You Compare the U.S. Constitution & The 10 Commandments In The Bible, Both Texts Originally Endorsed Slavery, Said That Slavery Is OK. Now the 10 Commandments In the Bible Also Endorse Slavery."