1 year agoDjSquibby, ACDC, Pt 3-4, Rock, Alternative, Live, DJ, Music, Mix, Visuals, Area 51, 18-02-2024, ;)_~DjSquibby AREA 51
8 months agoDjSquibby, ACDC, Pt 4-4, Rock, Blues, Metal, Live, DJ, Music, Mix, Visuals, Area 51, 16-06-2024,DjSquibby AREA 51
2 years agoACDC’s whole lotta Rosie is riffology at it’s finest! #shortsAnthony Parker and the Near Life Experience
1 year agoNo riff list would be complete without ACDC! Back in black comes in the 3 spot. #shortsAnthony Parker and the Near Life Experience
2 years agopássaros cantando ao som de ACDC! #shorts #calistenia #musculação #academia #treino #natureTreinosayajin