2 years ago#tarot#yesornoanswer#pickacard (pick a card) - Yes or No answer to your question.CC - Divine Message Tarot
1 year agoHoney Baby loves new treats She wants to be picked up as I'm starting your tarot reading THANK YOUTarotFaithKeeper
2 years ago#tarot#yesornoreading#pickacard (Pick a card) - Yes or No answer to your question?CC - Divine Message Tarot
2 years ago#tarot#pickacard#yesornoreading (Pick a card) - Yes or No answer to your question?CC - Divine Message Tarot
2 years ago#tarot#yesornoreading (Pick a card) - Yes or No answer to your question?CC - Divine Message Tarot
2 years ago#tarot#pickacard#yesornoreading (Pick a card) - Yes or No answer to your question?CC - Divine Message Tarot
2 years ago#tarot#yesornoreadings#pickacard (Pick a card) - Yes or No answer to your question?CC - Divine Message Tarot
2 years ago#tarot#yesornoanswer#pickacard (Pick a card) - Yes or No answer to your questionCC - Divine Message Tarot
1 year agoYes or No Answer to your Question? + a message (Pick a card) #tarot#message#answertoquestion#yesornoCC - Divine Message Tarot
1 year ago#tarot#yesornoreading (Pick a card) - Ask any question. Yes or No reading.CC - Divine Message Tarot
1 year ago#tarot#yesornoreading#pickacard (Pick a card) - Yes or No Answer to your Question?CC - Divine Message Tarot
1 year ago#tarot#yesornoanswer ( Pick a card) - Yes or No answer to your Question?CC - Divine Message Tarot
1 year ago#tarot#whoyouare (Pick a card) - I can tell you who you are. Yes you the viewer.CC - Divine Message Tarot
1 year ago#tarot#yesornoreading#pickacard (Pick a card) - Yes or no answer to your question?CC - Divine Message Tarot
2 years ago#tarot#pickacard#yesornoreading (Pick a card) - Yes or No answer to your question.CC - Divine Message Tarot