Indie R Speakeasy Ep.1 | Political labels don't serve your individual sovereignty + We built a new dimension + What is the Cosmic Egg of America's rebirth?
This is What Awakening Sovereigns Speak Like! ...Next?—Stop Paying Taxes! They're ACTUALLY Illegal‼️ After That?—You Keep SPEAKING to YOUR EMPLOYEES What You Expect of Them and Why Your Voted(HIRED) Them!
Know When it’s Time to Release Them and Tear Up the “Contract”. NOTE: The Next Lesson isn’t Necessarily Any Better or Worse. It is What’s Appropriate for You, and You Can Just Hope for the Best! 🙏🏽 — Dolores Cannon
Shadow-Work: One of the Most Important Karmic Exercises That Must Be Exercised Properly. [ No Matter What DO NOT Self-Deceive by Denial EVER! ] — Sarah Elkhaldy “The Alchemist”
EXPLAINED—This is What They Want: TRANSHUMANISM > SEXUALITY (THE ESSENCE/SOUL OF YOU, AND WHY GENDER IS IMPORTANT). | Big Tech Censoring Tarot, and Inching Toward the Spiritual Community!
Alex Jones JUST Predicted What Vladimir Putin Was Going To Say About Russia's Ballistic Missile Test Against Ukraine 10 Minutes Before Putin Repeated What Jones Said Word For Word!
GEMINI ♊️ March 2023 | #ToughLoveWarning: Guides comin’ in rough! I dunno what to tell ya.. except healed people (or people in process of healing) generally attracted healed/healing people, because these people.. simply reflect each other.