1. The Amenities Of King Solomon. Amen It Ties. Seems Amen means Thanks, Not Truth.

    The Amenities Of King Solomon. Amen It Ties. Seems Amen means Thanks, Not Truth.

  2. The Gift of the Gods. A Better Interpretation of the Mumble Jumble They Don't Want You to Know......

    The Gift of the Gods. A Better Interpretation of the Mumble Jumble They Don't Want You to Know......

  3. The Real Meaning of Medieval Artwork in Biblical Manuscripts. Jots, Diples and Marginalia Secrets...

    The Real Meaning of Medieval Artwork in Biblical Manuscripts. Jots, Diples and Marginalia Secrets...

  4. Allmighty Name They Don't Want You to Know. How Religion Was Formed. The Rewarding the Rewording....

    Allmighty Name They Don't Want You to Know. How Religion Was Formed. The Rewarding the Rewording....

  5. Don't Miss the Boat. Set Your Alarm to Wake Early Today.

    Don't Miss the Boat. Set Your Alarm to Wake Early Today.

  6. And Along Came Jones. Who the Hell was Jones. $ecrets of $pace

    And Along Came Jones. Who the Hell was Jones. $ecrets of $pace

  7. Why God Needed A Hiding Spot. Why They Don't Want You to Know True History. A Better Translation.

    Why God Needed A Hiding Spot. Why They Don't Want You to Know True History. A Better Translation.

  8. Revolt of AxeMaximus. Why They Don't Want You to Know True History. A Better Translation of Hebrew.

    Revolt of AxeMaximus. Why They Don't Want You to Know True History. A Better Translation of Hebrew.

  9. Ancient Secret of The Pigs Nose, EPIGNOSE, Knowledge of the Gods.

    Ancient Secret of The Pigs Nose, EPIGNOSE, Knowledge of the Gods.

  10. Dan'Yiel's Vision of Beast. A Better Definition of the "Facts"

    Dan'Yiel's Vision of Beast. A Better Definition of the "Facts"

  11. The Other Right Hand Path. More on the Pagan Ritual of the Roasting. A Better Translation of Greek.

    The Other Right Hand Path. More on the Pagan Ritual of the Roasting. A Better Translation of Greek.

  12. Revelation of Piggus Cries. Day Of The Pig. A Closer Look at Revelations 1 Greek.

    Revelation of Piggus Cries. Day Of The Pig. A Closer Look at Revelations 1 Greek.

  13. Yet To Ride of Arch AnGelos. Origin of Angels. Creation of Poets and Gods.

    Yet To Ride of Arch AnGelos. Origin of Angels. Creation of Poets and Gods.

  14. Gabriel, Introduction to the Cat. Origin of Septuagint

    Gabriel, Introduction to the Cat. Origin of Septuagint

  15. Can I Talk My Way Out of This. Cops Licking Their Chops Looking At Me.

    Can I Talk My Way Out of This. Cops Licking Their Chops Looking At Me.

  16. Secrets of the Alakiste. Why the Illuminato Have Been Hiding it.

    Secrets of the Alakiste. Why the Illuminato Have Been Hiding it.

  17. The Siege Of Egypt ,Aka, Jerusalem. Real History.

    The Siege Of Egypt ,Aka, Jerusalem. Real History.

  18. King Solomon Predicted 2020 Election. How to read ancient Greek.

    King Solomon Predicted 2020 Election. How to read ancient Greek.

  19. Origin of Sin and Saint.

    Origin of Sin and Saint.

  20. Independence. Who Was Really Buried in the Tomb of Khafre. Know Your Real Allies.

    Independence. Who Was Really Buried in the Tomb of Khafre. Know Your Real Allies.

  21. Ancient Coptic, HeBrew and English Resemblances. Meaning of the Snay.

    Ancient Coptic, HeBrew and English Resemblances. Meaning of the Snay.
