Franklin Graham | "The Vaccine Is a Personal Decision Because This Is Going to Effect Your Life Whether You Like It Or Not. If You Don't Take It You Could Get COVID & Really Be Sick & Really Regret Not Having That Vaccine." - 5/16/2
必看!奇美拉(mRNA基因改造-人獸嵌合體) ,披露在獸印疫苗-專利權註冊之中,基因剪輯技術在人類嵌入異獸基因!Vaccine Patent shows CRISPR mRNA /PCR Genome Engineering Recombination of DNA - To create CHIMERA - Ma
COVID-19 Vaccines | "The Pfizer Vaccine Is Contaminated In With Plasma DNA, It's Not Just mRNA, It's Got Bits of DNA In It." - Doctor Phillip Buckhaults (Cancer Genomic Expert) | "The SV40 (Cancer Causing Genes) Sequence Should No
Megyn Kelly | COVID Vaccines | "I Regret Getting the Vaccine. For the First Time I Tested Positive for an Auto Immune Issue." - Megyn Kelly + "The Pfizer Vaccine Reverse Transcribes & Installs DNA Into the Human Genome."
What Were Epstein and Gates Working On? | What Was Done with the Bill Gates' & Jeffrey Epstein-Facilitated MIT Donations? Quantum Dots, CBDCs + "Specialized Invisible Dye, Delivered Along with a Vaccine, Could Enable “On-Patient” Storage
CBDCs | Central Bank Digital Currencies | "Vaccine Passports, If It Snaps Into Place...Concentration Camps. We Will Have Entered Into a Slavery System. We Have One Maybe Two Years to Stop It."
COVID Vaccines | "Some People Got Significant Side Effects from the Vaccine, A Number of People That Are Quite Ill And They Never Had COVID & They Are Ill from the Vaccine." - Robert Redfield (Former Director of the U.S. CDC)
5G | How 5G, Hydrogel, & Nanotechnology Will Be Used to Activate Pathogens In the COVID-19 Vaccines (READ the Patents In the Description) + "What Really Happened With the Maui Fires? I Will Make the Case, Smart...Um" - Josh Green (Hawaii Gov