2 years ago**BJ TAKEOVER!!** First Time Watching "Men Vs Women In Sports #1" Reaction | Asia and BJ ReactAsiaandBJ
1 year agoFirst Time Hearing Bob Seger - “Blue Monday” Reaction (Road House Soundtrack) | Asia and BJAsiaandBJ
1 year agoTHIS WAS DEEP! First Time Watching Oliver Anthony "Rich Men North Of Richmond" Reaction| Asia and BJAsiaandBJ
2 years agoFirst Time Hearing OLIVIA NEWTON JOHN & JOHN TRAVOLTA- “SUMMER NIGHTS” Reaction | Asia and BJAsiaandBJ
2 years agoFirst time hearing The Monkees “A Little Bit Me A Little Bit You” Reaction | Asia and BJAsiaandBJ
7 days agoBARBARIAN BLOOD ~ Volfgang Twins ~ WOW Grandparents from Tennessee (USA) react - first time reactionGrandparentsReact