1 year agoCovid-19 vaccines were tested in 2019, BEFORE anyone knew about COVID-19, notes Reiner FuellmichBiological Medicine
1 year ago28-year-old pro basketball player dies during treadmill test 2-years after collapsing on courtBiological Medicine
11 days ago12-year-old girl dies of stroke after vaccines — 'It's felony murder,' says John Beaudoin, SrConcerned for Truth
1 year agoUnvaccinated people having health problems after being around vaccinated peopleBiological Medicine
5 days agoThey are going to escalate violence globally; they want conditions dire so people will accept CBDCConcerned for Truth
1 year agoHospitals are murdering people; most COVID deaths due to medical malpracticeBiological Medicine
4 months ago5G radiation is a far greater threat than the vaccine, says Reinier FuellmichOrganic Medicine
1 year agoThe formation of the W.H.O. was an outgrowth of the 1913 Eugenics Office, says David Martin, PhDBiological Medicine
1 month agoCovid-19 vaccines were tested in 2019, BEFORE anyone knew about COVID-19, notes Reiner FuellmichConcerned for Truth
17 days agoThe ONLY reason financial markets have not collapsed, they are injecting money into the marketsConcerned for Truth
1 year agoIt was developed in a lab in 2002 funded by Anthony Fauci, says David Martin, PhDBiological Medicine
17 days agoThere was NO pandemic, nothing is spreading that causes death, says Denis Rancourt, PhDConcerned for Truth
10 months agoCovid-19 has shined a bright light on the corruption in medicine says Paul Marik, MDBiological Medicine
1 month ago28% of residents (42 of 152) died within 3 weeks of getting COVID-19 vaccine, says Steve KirschConcerned for Truth
1 year agoDon't let them get away with it; mistakes were NOT made, Dr. Tess LawrieBiological Medicine
1 year ago200 documents show the Plandemic was deployed using aerosolized nanotechnology & dronesBiological Medicine
16 days agoThe Depopulation Agenda; ‘They’re murdering these people’, says nurse Nicole SirotekConcerned for Truth
2 months agoDoctor exposes blood to vaccine, reaction same as when exposed to snake venomOrganic Medicine
1 year ago78% of dead bodies have white fibrous clots (caused by vaccine), notes embalmer, Richard HirschmanBiological Medicine