Stones, Crystals, Laurie Cabot Kent, Grand High Priestesses, Vibration and Song + Demons Masquerade as Angels of Light, The Price to Pay for Magick + Miracle
Gloria Vanderbilt + Music Industry, Jay Z is a High Priest, Beyoncé is a Grand High Priestess (Took GV's Position), Superbowl Half-Time Show + Types of Magick + Party in the Desert, Mad Hatter Hat, High Wizard, Grand High Priest/Vampire Regent Lord
The Witch Battle Between Beyoncé and Meghan Markle For the Late Gloria Vanderbilt's Grand High Priestess Position + The Subsequent Declaration by Beyoncé, the New Grand High Priestess
The Order of Melchizedek, Initiates of the Flame (by Manly P. Hall), Immortality, Godhood + Anti-Christ, Jessie Knows His Identity But Cannot Reveal it