1. The most CHALLENGING decision in estrangement…WATCH THIS!

    The most CHALLENGING decision in estrangement…WATCH THIS!

  2. QUICK CLIP: What Do You Do When Your Child is Taken Out of the Country Without Your Consent?

    QUICK CLIP: What Do You Do When Your Child is Taken Out of the Country Without Your Consent?

  3. The Smartest Man Who Ever Lived you didn't heard about him

    The Smartest Man Who Ever Lived you didn't heard about him

  4. QUICK CLIP: Should I Attend My Child's Events if They Don't Want Me To? - feat Ginger Gentile

    QUICK CLIP: Should I Attend My Child's Events if They Don't Want Me To? - feat Ginger Gentile

  5. QUICK CLIP: Should You Show Your Alienated Child "Erasing Family" Or Alienation Research?

    QUICK CLIP: Should You Show Your Alienated Child "Erasing Family" Or Alienation Research?
