1. It's All My Fault! Tragedy On The Homestead | We Were NOT Prepared For This! Farm Life

    It's All My Fault! Tragedy On The Homestead | We Were NOT Prepared For This! Farm Life

  2. DIY Mini Pole Barn Start Building Loafing Shed 🐂🐑with The Crockers #shorts #MiniPoleBarn

    DIY Mini Pole Barn Start Building Loafing Shed 🐂🐑with The Crockers #shorts #MiniPoleBarn

  3. What Can We Do? Prepping and Surviving an Arctic Blast | Farm Life

    What Can We Do? Prepping and Surviving an Arctic Blast | Farm Life

  4. Freedom Ride for the first 3 of 5 Rescued Belgian Draft Horses #drafthorse #horse #short #shorts

    Freedom Ride for the first 3 of 5 Rescued Belgian Draft Horses #drafthorse #horse #short #shorts

  5. Horse Picks Up Child’s Toy For Amusement. The Reaction Of The Other Horses Cracked Me Up.

    Horse Picks Up Child’s Toy For Amusement. The Reaction Of The Other Horses Cracked Me Up.

  6. We rescued another Belgian Draft horse from shipping to slaughter on Wednesday! Here's what happened

    We rescued another Belgian Draft horse from shipping to slaughter on Wednesday! Here's what happened

  7. Wild Doneys That Are Savage Enough To Fight Any Animal

    Wild Doneys That Are Savage Enough To Fight Any Animal

  8. Update on Liam the GIANT Belgian Draft Horse saved from almost being sent to slaughter-3 weeks later

    Update on Liam the GIANT Belgian Draft Horse saved from almost being sent to slaughter-3 weeks later

  9. "Saddle up for adventure: where hoofprints become memories. 🐴✨ #EquineEscapades"

    "Saddle up for adventure: where hoofprints become memories. 🐴✨ #EquineEscapades"

  10. URGENT! Belgian Draft Horse with severe eye injury was scheduled to go to slaughter needs your HELP!

    URGENT! Belgian Draft Horse with severe eye injury was scheduled to go to slaughter needs your HELP!

  11. We were not expecting him to be in this condition! Update on the newest Rescued Belgian Draft horse

    We were not expecting him to be in this condition! Update on the newest Rescued Belgian Draft horse

  12. Neglected Belgian Draft Horse with eye injury starts his new life after being dumped at a kill pen.

    Neglected Belgian Draft Horse with eye injury starts his new life after being dumped at a kill pen.

  13. Update and partial biopsy results for Lucky the rescued Belgian Draft Horse with an eye injury Ep.51

    Update and partial biopsy results for Lucky the rescued Belgian Draft Horse with an eye injury Ep.51

  14. Update on Lucky-rescued Belgian Draft Horse with a horrible eye injury after his 2nd vet appointment

    Update on Lucky-rescued Belgian Draft Horse with a horrible eye injury after his 2nd vet appointment

  15. Two more Belgian Draft Horses are safe from going to slaughter and are coming to the farm Ep. 56

    Two more Belgian Draft Horses are safe from going to slaughter and are coming to the farm Ep. 56
