2 years agoワクチンは現代病の元凶 接種は少ないほどよい!【大地舜】/ Vaccines are the culprit of modern diseases. The less inoculated, the better!:Daichi ShunDaichiShun
2 years ago神々の指紋・地殻移動説【大地舜】/The fingerprints of the gods. tectonic shift theory:Daichi ShunDaichiShun
2 years ago未成年へのコロナワクチン接種は犯罪 子供に人体実験をする無責任な大人たち【大地舜】/ It is a crime to vaccinate children against COVID-19. Irresponsible adults experimenting on children:Daichi ShunDaichiShun
2 years agoコロナワクチンは嘘だらけ コロナ魔術の種明かし【大地舜】/ Corona vaccine full of lies Revealing the secrets of Corona magic:Daichi ShunDaichiShun
2 years ago仕事の選び方 ピーター・f・ドラッカーに学ぶ【大地舜】/ How to choose a job. Learning from Peter Ferdinand Drucker:Daichi ShunDaichiShun
2 years ago嘘の医療情報が氾濫する異常な時代【大地舜】/ Abnormal times of deluge with false medical information:Daichi ShunDaichiShun
2 years ago人類前史 なぜ読むべきなのか【大地舜】/"America Before: The Key to Earth's Lost Civilization" Why you should read it.:Daichi ShunDaichiShun
2 years agoステレス「黒船」が押し寄せている 欧米の侵略に備えよ:大地舜 / Steles "The Black Ships" are rushing in. Prepare for Western invasion.:Daichi ShunDaichiShun
2 years agoグローバリストの3つの「存在しない敵」新型コロナは空騒ぎ?【大地舜】/ The three "non-existent enemies" of globalists. Is the COVID-19 pandemic all over the place?:Daichi ShunDaichiShun
2 years agoコロナ空騒ぎの世界で、幸せに生きるための金言集【大地舜】/ A collection of tips for living happily in a society overreacting to COVID-19:Daichi ShunDaichiShun