1 year agoFermenting in a Homebrew Keg, How to Use a Quick Carbonation Lid, & Brewing a Coffee Stout - Ep. 351HomebrewHappyHour
4 years agoOutside fermentation, pressure fermenting, grain brands, & harvesting yeast from carboys - Ep. 219HomebrewHappyHour
4 years agoGrowing hops, what is food grade gas, fast fermentation activity, & a q about kombucha - Ep.202HomebrewHappyHour
2 years agoScratched Stainless Steel, Infected Beer, Gravity Issues, & Temp Ranges with Yeast Strains - Ep. 296HomebrewHappyHour
3 years agoPouring wort back, airlock differences, forgetting to measure gravity, & how to sparge - Ep 228HomebrewHappyHour
4 years agoAll in ones vs 3 tier systems, best mouthfeel & head retention, & our 200th episode extravaganza!HomebrewHappyHour
3 years agoCitrus flavors, gear for alt styles, lactose vs maltodextrin, trub & hops in the fermenter - Ep.233HomebrewHappyHour
4 years agoComparing RIMS vs HERMS and a question on brewhouse and mash efficiency -- Ep. 175HomebrewHappyHour
4 years agoYeast nutrients, getting clearer IPAs, an OG question, & recipe vs equipment guidelines - Ep. 197HomebrewHappyHour
4 years agoWhat makes a lager, gear for mini mash brewing, suck back oxidation, & I talk about kolsch - Ep. 203HomebrewHappyHour
3 years agoKolsch additives, dry hopping FAQ, forgetting to sanitize, & indoors vs outdoors brewing - Ep. 220HomebrewHappyHour
3 years agoRecruiting new brewers, custom mash paddles, repurposing mini mash grains, & an Iodaphor q - Ep.221HomebrewHappyHour
1 year agoBrewing w/ Sparkling Water, Brewing w/ Fresh Hops, & Converting Regulators for Nitrogen - Ep. 342HomebrewHappyHour
4 years agoChanging keg posts, do you have to sparge, large conicals for small batches, & fermenting in the kegHomebrewHappyHour
2 years agoUsing Brew Clean, Homebrewers & Sanke Kegs, Sours & Your Gear, Brewing a Festive Kolsch - Ep. 311HomebrewHappyHour
2 years agoYeast for Small Batch Brewing, Filling CO2 at Home, High Tech Brewing, & Brew Day PPP - Ep. 313HomebrewHappyHour
1 year agoGravity Reading Sanitation, Crushing Hop Pellets, Loud Kegerator, & Undercarbed Bottles - Ep. 326HomebrewHappyHour
2 years agoCMB V10 vs Nukatap, Preventing Fruit Flies, Brewing a Pastry Stout, & Oversized Tap Handle -Ep. 294HomebrewHappyHour
1 year agoUsing a Flow Control Event Faucet, Does Yeast Choice Matter, & Ideal Temp for CO2 Cylinder - Ep. 329HomebrewHappyHour
1 year agoAdding Flavor After Primary, Brew Clean in Cold Water, & How to Use a Soda Carbonating Cap - Ep. 340HomebrewHappyHour
1 year agoSparge Water Ratio, Pilsner Recipe Ale Yeast, Off Flavors, & Gas Disconnects on Liquid Post- Ep. 353HomebrewHappyHour
2 years agoRegulator Bleed, Brewing with THC, Brewing for the Year, & a Question About Breakfast Stout- Ep. 300HomebrewHappyHour
1 year agoWort Chillers, Features in Electric Systems, HERMs Worth It, Fermenting / Serving from Keg - Ep. 327HomebrewHappyHour