3 years agoOntario to require COVID-19 proof of vaccination for many indoor public settings | FULLCanada Hub
3 months agoDr Sampson: Your Oral Microbiome Can Be Deadly! I Cured Their Gum Disease And They Walked Again!The Diary Of A CEO
1 month agoHCQ was banned for COVID because EUA for the mRNA shot required that No Alternative Treatment ExistsMAGA Lion HAT
7 months agoMinnesota Grandma Jailed for Defying Walz Covid Lockdown Orders Warns ‘You Do Not Want Tyranny at This Level’GrabienVerified
4 months agoProof Concerning The Deadly Covid Vaccines (Test Runs Before The Mark of the Beast/Microchip)HebrewIsraelitesHolland
1 year agoThe Mastermind Behind All the Covid-19 Injections, the IoBNT, and the WBAN – Prof. Ian Fuat AkyildizWaking the World up
3 years agoLithuania - Covid-19 Pass restrictions everywhere - The unvaccinated are banned from societysteveninthematrix
2 years agoChild-jabbing Aussie physician DROPS DEAD after taking very same covid injections he pushed on kidsWARRIORS4YAHAWASHI
1 year agoA 'Sudden Adult Death syndrome' (SADS) collapse at the gym.. Was she covid vaccinated?🤔chinlee
3 years agoTruckers To Convoy In US, Beware Of False Flags, Covid Numbers Are All Fake, It Was The Flu RenamedJeffreyKeith
4 months agoDr Bryan Ardis Talks About Hydrogen Peroxide, Long Covid, Cancer, Venoms, EDTA, Nicotine & Vitamin CBatterseaParkClinicVerified
4 months agoNEVER FORGET the Dancing COVID Nurses & Doctors... "Hospitals are like War Zones!" 💃👩⚕️🏥👨⚕️🕺MAGA Lion HAT
2 years agoIan Smith | And His New Jersey Gym Stayed Open!!! Why We All Must Fight Back Against the Seizure of Our RightsThrivetime Show: The ReAwakening versus The Great ResetVerified
3 years agoMaple Pill Ep 007 - Bank of Canada lies, Covid & Kids, The Great RebootMattMcKeeverUnfiltered
1 year agoJust another "new normal" day in the gym.... people dropping like flies 💉Biological Medicine