9 months agoBullying: Valentina's Story (Animaker) ⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING READ DESC ⚠️ || Arisa Padira ||GoAnimaker with Arisa Padira
11 months agoIf the Forgers met a Karen (Gachaverse SPY X FAMILY Skit) || Arisa Padira ||Arisa Padira's GachaTubia
11 months agoIf Hinata met a Karen feat. Neji (Gachaverse Naruto Skit) || Arisa Padira ||Arisa Padira's GachaTubia
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9 months agoTrue Story of What Happened on a Bus I was on (Animaker)⚠️STRONG LANGUAGE⚠️ || Arisa Padira ||GoAnimaker with Arisa Padira
9 months agoIf Yuri & Victor met a Karen (YOI Vyond Skit) ⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ || Arisa Padira ||GoAnimaker with Arisa Padira
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11 months agoVegan Teacher Tries to Convert Students / Instantly Regrets It (Plotagon Satire) || Arisa Padira ||Arisa Padira's Plotagon Studio
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9 months agoCaillou Bullies Ellen the Korean Girl / Grounded (Vyond) || Arisa Padira ||GoAnimaker with Arisa Padira